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The viewable storage area is only accessible in the form of a guided tour in German and Italian, with advance reservation.
In the former library rooms of the monastery, the new viewable storage area was inaugurated in 2021.
Today, it houses the historically extensive collection of teaching materials of the former Benedictine high school in Meran, such as physical equipment, taxidermied animals, minerals and other objects that were used during lessons to illustrate the subject matter.
Restoration work has uncovered, among other things, a Romanesque beamed ceiling and elements of what is probably the oldest log cabin in Europe can be admired.
Irrespective of whether you are looking for a suitable gift or just something for yourself, the special atmosphere of the abbey shop contains ...
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Foundation church & crypt
The abbey church, which dates from the late 12th century, is entered via a stone-framed Romanesque round-arch portal, an outstanding example of the ...
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Guided Tours
Guidet tours All Guided tours only with pre-reservation until 12 pm on the day before. We kindly ask you to register for organizational reasons via ...
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